An important Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus. Also known as Jesus Christmas, the main festival of the birth of the Catholic Church also known as Jesus Christmas. The date of Jesus’ birth is not recorded in the Bible. In 336 AD, the Roman Church began to celebrate the festival on December 25. December 25 was the birthday of the sun God stipulated by the Roman Empire. Some believe that the day was chosen to celebrate Christmas because Christians believe that Jesus is the righteous and eternal sun. After the middle of the 5th century, Christmas as an important festival, became a church tradition, and gradually spread in Eastern and Western churches. Due to the different calendar and other reasons, the denomination will hold the celebration of the specific date and the form of the event is different. Christmas customs spread to Asia mainly in the middle of the 19th century, Japan, South Korea and so on are affected by the Christmas culture. Now in the West at Christmas often give gifts to each other, hold a joyous party, and to Santa Claus, Christmas tree and other add festive atmosphere, has become a common custom. Christmas has also become a public holiday in the Western world and many other places.

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